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Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics B.Pharm 6th Semester

Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics B.Pharm 6th Semester

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Module 01                                                                                        10Hours

Introduction to Biopharmaceutics


  • Mechanisms of drug absorption through GIT, factors influencing drug absorption though GIT, absorption of drug from Non per oral extra-vascular routes.


  • Tissue permeability of drugs, binding of drugs, apparent, volume of drug distribution, plasma and tissue protein binding of drugs, factors affecting protein-drug binding. Kinetics of protein binding, Clinical significance of protein binding of drugs.

Module 02                                                                                        10Hours


  • Drug metabolism and basic understanding metabolic pathways renal excretion of drugs, factors affecting renal excretion of drugs, renal clearance, Non-renal routes of drug excretion of drugs.

Bioavailability and Bioequivalence

  • Definition and Objectives of bioavailability, absolute and relative bioavailability, measurement of bioavailability, in-vitro drug dissolution models, in-vitro-in-vivo correlations, bioequivalence studies, methods to enhance the dissolution rates and bioavailability of poorly soluble drugs.

Module 03                                                                                        10Hours


  • Definition and introduction to Pharmacokinetics, Compartment models, Non compartment models, physiological models, One compartment open model. Intravenous Injection (Bolus). Intravenous infusion. Extra vascular administrations.
  • Pharmacokinetics parameters – KE ,t1/2,Vd,AUC,Ka, Clt and CLR- definitions methods of eliminations, understanding of their significance and application.

Module 04                                                                                       08 Hours

Multicompartment Models

  • Two compartment open model. IV bolus.
  • Kinetics of multiple dosing, steady state drug levels, calculation of loading and mainetnance doses and their significance in clinical settins.

Module 05                                                                                       07 Hours

Nonlinear Pharmacokinetics

  • Introduction.
  • Factors causing Non-linearity.
  • Michaelis-menton method of estimating parameters, Explanation with example of drugs.


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