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Bio- Sciences जीव विज्ञान( शारीरिक रचना, कार्यकी एवं सूक्ष्म जीव विज्ञान) GNM First Year Bilingual Book

Bio- Sciences जीव विज्ञान( शारीरिक रचना, कार्यकी एवं सूक्ष्म जीव विज्ञान) GNM First Year Bilingual Book

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(1) ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY ¼’kkjhfjd jpuk ,oa dkf;Zdh½



Objectives Content





Define and spell various anatomical terms.


fofHkUu lajpukRed 'kCnkoyh dh ifjHkk"kk ,oa orZuh

Introduction to anatomical terms and organization of the human body


a)      Anatomical terms


b)      Systems and cavities of the human body

ekuo 'kjhj ds lajpukRed 'kCnkoyh ,oa laxBu dk ifjp;


a)       lajpukRed 'kCnkoyh


b)       ekuo 'kjhj esa xqgk ,oa rU=



Describe different organs of the body, systemic function and their interrelationship


’kjhj ds fofHkUUk vaxksa dk o.kZu] rU= dk;Z ,oa muds e/; lEcU/k

Introduction to the detailed


structure of the body


a)       The cell: Structure, reproduction and function


b)       Tissues including membranes and glands : types structure and functions


c)       Body cavities and their contents

'kjhj dh lajpuk dk foLr`r ifjp;


a)       dksf'kdk& lajpuk] çtuu ,oa dk;Z


b)       f>fYy;ksa ,oa xzafFk;ksa lfgr Ård çdkj] lajpuk ,oa dk;ZZ


c)       'kjhj ds xqgk ,oa muds ?kVd



Describe the composition of blood and its functions.


#f/kj ds dk;Z ,oa la?kVu dk o.kZu



a)       Composition and formation of blood


b)       Functions of blood


c)       Blood clotting, blood grouping and cross matching


d)       d) Blood products and their use.

a)       #f/kj ds la?kVu ,oa fuekZ.k


b)       #f/kj ds dk;Z


c)       #f/kj ds FkDds] #f/kj lewgu rFkk Ø‚l feyku


d)       :f/kj mRikn ,oa muds mi;ksxA



Describe the structure and functions of heart and blood vessels




ân; ,oa :f/kj okfgdkvksa dh lajpuk ,oa dk;ksaZ dk o.kZu

The Circulatory System


a)       Heart : Structure, functions including conduction system and cardiac cycle


b)       Blood vessels : Types, Structure and position


c)       Circulation of blood


d)       Blood pressure and pulse

ifjlapj.k ra=


a)       ân; lajpuk] pkyu ç.kkyh ,oa ân; pØ lfgr dk;Z


b)       :f/kj okfgdk;s% çdkj] lajpuk ,oa fLFkfr


c)       :f/kj dk ifjlapj.k


d)       jDrpki ,oa ukM+h



Describe structure and functions of lymphatic system


ylhdk rU= dh lajpuk ,oa dk;ksaZ dk o.kZu

The Lymphatic System


a)       Structure and function of lymph vessels, Lymph nodes and lymph circulation, lymphatic tissue - spleen and thymus

ylhdk ç.kkyh


a)       ylhdk okfgdkvksa dh lajpuk ,oa dk;Z] ylhdk uksM~l ,oa ylhdk ifjlapj.k] ylhdk Ård&frYyh ,oa Fkkbel



Describe the structure and functions of respiratory system


'olu rU= dh lajpuk ,oa dk;ksaZ dk o.kZu

The Respiratory System


a)       The structure and functions of respiratory organs


b)       The physiology of respiration


c)       Characteristics of normal respiration and deviation

'olu rU=


a)       'olu vaxksa dh lajpuk ,oa dk;Z


b)       'olu dk 'kjhj foKku


c)       lkekU; 'olu ,oa fopyu ds y{k.k



Describe the structure and function of digestive system


ikpu rU= dh lajpuk ,oa dk;Z dk o.kZu

The Digestive System


a)       Structure and functions of the alimentary tract and is accessory organs.


b)       The process of digestion, absorption and metabolism of food constituents.

ikpu ra=


a)       vkgkj ekxZ dh lajpuk ,oa dk;Z o lgk;d vax


b)       Hkkstu ?kVdksa ds ikpu] vo'kks"k.k ,oa mikip; dh çfØ;kA



Describe the structure and functions of organs of Excretory system.


mRltZu ra= ds vaxksa dh lajpuk ,oa dk;ksaZ dk o.kZu

The Excretory System


a)       Structure and functions of the kidney, ureters, urinary bladder, and the urethra


b)       Formation and composition of urine.


c)       Fluid and electrolyte balance d)       Structure and functions of the skin. e)       Regulation of the body temperature.

mRltZu ra=


a)       o`Dd] ew=okfguh] ew=k'k; ,oa ew=ekxZ dh lajpuk ,oa dk;Z


b)       ew= dh lajpuk ,oa fuekZ.k


c)       æO; ,oa fo|qr vi?kV~; larqyu

d)       Ropk dh lajpuk ,oa dk;Z½ e)       'kjhj ds rkieku dk fu;eu



Describe the structure and functions of endocrine glands.


var%L=koh xzafFk;ksa dh lajpuk ,oa dk;ksaZ dk o.kZu

The Endocrine System


The structure and functions of the pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid and adrenal glands, pancreas (islets of Langerhans), ovaries and testes

var%L=koh xzafFk


ih;w"k xzfUFk Fkkbj‚bM] iSjkFkkbjkWbM ,oa vf/ko`Dd xzafFk;ksa dh lajpuk o dk;Z] vXU;k'k; ySaxjgal f}ohfidk] vaMk'k; ,oa o`"k.k



Describe the structure and functions of male and female reproductive system and accessory organs


iq#"k ,oa efgyk çtuu  rFkk ra= lgk;d vaxksa dh lajpuk o dk;ksaZ dk o.kZu

The Reproductive System


a)       Structure and functions of the female reproductive system- Process of menstrual cycle,


b)       reproduction and menopause


c)       Structure and functions of breasts


d)       Structure and functions of the male reproductive system


e)       Reproductive health

iztuu ra=


a)       efgyk çtuu ra= dh lajpuk ,oa dk;Z& ekfld /keZ pØ dh çfØ;k


b)       çtuu rFkk jtksfuo`fÙk


c)       Lruksa dh lajpuk ,oa dk;Z


d)       iq#"k çtuu ra= dh lajpuk ,oa dk;Z


e)       çtuu LokLF;



Describe the structure and functions of Nervous system.


raf=dk ra= dh lajpuk ,oa dk;ksaZ dk o.kZu

The nervous System


a)       Types of nerves- structure and functions


b)       Brain and cranial nerves.


c)       Spinal cord and motor and sensory pathways of the spinal cord, autonomic nervous system.

raf=dk ra=


a)       ulksa ds çdkj&lajpuk ,oa dk;Z


b)       efLr"d ,oa diky ra=


c)       es:jTtq ,oa es:jTtq ds izsjd rFkk laosnh ekxZ] Lok;Ùk raf=dk ra=½



Describe the structure and function of sensory organs


laosnh vaxksa dh lajpuk ,oa dk;Z dk o.kZu

The sense Organs


a)       Skin, ear, eye, nose and tongue


b)       Physiology of vision, hearing, smell, touch, taste and equilibrium.

laosnh vax


a)       Ropk] dku] vk¡[k] ukd rFkk thHk


b)       –f"V] Jo.k] xa/k] Li'kZ] Lokn ,oa larqyu dh HkkSfrdh



Describe the structure and functions of skeletal system.


dadky ra= dh lajpuk ,oa dk;ksaZ dk o.kZua

The Skeleton


a)       Formation and growth of bones


b)       Tendons, ligaments and cartilages


c)       Classification of bones joints


d)       Joint movement


e)       Axial and appendicular skeleton



a)       gfì;ksa dk fuekZ.k rFkk o`f)


b)       Luk;q Luk;qca/ku rFkk mikfLFk


c)       gfì;ksa ds tksM+ksa dk oxhZdj.k


d)       la;qDr vkokxeu


v{kh; rFkk ifjf'k"V dadky



Describe structure and functions of Muscular system.


is'kh; ra= dh lajpuk ,oa dk;ksaZ dk o.kZu

The Muscular System


a)       Type, structure and functions of muscle


b)       Origin, Insertion, and action of muscles

is'kh ra=


a)       isf'k;ksa ds çdkj] lajpuk ,oa dk;Z


b)       mRifÙk] izos’ku ,oa ekalisf'k;ksa dh fØ;k



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