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Behavioural Sciences( Psychology & Sociology) Book GNM 1st Year English

Behavioural Sciences( Psychology & Sociology) Book GNM 1st Year English

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Unit. No.  I 

               Learning Objectives                

                                                   State the Concept, scope and importance of Psychology.            


       Introduction                                                                                   Hours .2

        a)       Definition, Nature and Scope of Psychology

         b)       Importance of Psychology for Nurses

Unit. No.II

Learning                                                                            Hours .2 

         Describe the Structure of the Mind.

         Structure of the mind

       a)       Conscious, Pre-conscious

       b)       Id, Ego and Super Ego

                                                            Unit. No.III


Illustrate the Dynamics of Human Behavior. Describe the Concept of Mental Health

Psychology of Human Behavior

a)       Basic Human Needs, Dynamics of Behavior, Motivation Drives

b)       Body Mind Relationship, Mental Health, Characteristics of Mentally Healthy Person, Emotional Control, Psychological Problems of Patients and Relatives. 

c)       Stress and Conflicts, Nature Sources of and Types of Stress and Conflicts, Dealing with Stress and Conflict, Frustration – Sources and Overcoming Frustration

d)       Mental Mechanism their uses and Importance

e)       Attitudes - Meaning, Development Changes in Attitude, Effects of Attitudes on Behavior, Importance of Positive Attitude for the nurse.

f)        Habits-Meaning and Formation.

g)       Breaking of bad habits, Importance of good habit Formation for the nurse.


                                                         Unit -IV 

        Describe and Apply the Process of Learning, Thinking, Reasoning,

        Observation and Perception


  a)       Nature, Types and Laws of Learning,

 b)       Factors Affecting Learning, Memory and Forgetting.

 Thinking and Reasoning

 a)       Nature and Types of Thinking, Reasoning, Problem solvIng, Importance of Creative Thinking for Nurse.

Observation and Perception

a)       Attention, Perception, Laws of Perception, Factors Affecting Attention and Perception, and Errors in Perception

                                                  Unit V 

Describe the Culture and Characteristics of Community

The Community

 a)       Community – Definition and Types- Rural and Urban

 b)       Culture and Characteristics



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