Thakur Publication Pvt.Ltd.
Mental Health Nursing (मानसिक स्वास्थ्य नर्सिंग)
Mental Health Nursing (मानसिक स्वास्थ्य नर्सिंग)
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Syllabus ¼ikB~;Øe½
2.3. MENTAL HEALTH NURSING ¼ekufld LokLF; ufl±x½
Unit |
Content |
fo"k;oLrq |
Hr. |
I |
Introduction: Concept of mental health and mental illness, Misconceptions related to mental illness, Principles of Mental Health nursing, Definition of terms used in psychiatry Review of defense mechanisms Mental Health Team |
ifjp;&ekufld LokLF; rFkk ekufld chekjh dh vo/kkj.kk] ekufld chekjh ls lEcfU/kr Hkzkafr;k¡] ekufld LokLF; ufl±x ds fl)kUr] euksfpfdRlk esa ç;qDr 'krks± dk fu/kkZj.k ekufld LokLF; lewg ds j{kk ra=ksa dh leh{kkA |
5 |
II |
History of Psychiatry: History of Psychiatric Nursing- India and at international level, Trends in Psychiatric Nursing, National mental health Programme |
euksfodkjh ds bfrgkl&Hkkjr ,oa varjkZ"Vªh; Lrj ij euksjksx ufl±x dk bfrgkl] euksjksx ufl±x esa ço`fÙk;k¡] jk"Vªh; ekufld LokLF; dk;ZØeA |
4 |
Mental Health Assessment: Psychiatry history taking, Mental status examination, Interview technique |
ekufld LokLF; vkadyu&euksjksx bfrgkl çkfIr] ekufld fLFkfr ijh{k.k] lk{kkRdkj rduhdA |
4 |
IV |
Therapeutic nurse patient relationship: Therapeutic nurse patient relationship: Definition, components and phases, Importance , Communication skills Definition elements, types, factors influencing communication, barriers (therapeutic impasses) |
fpfdRlh; ulZ jksxh lEcU/k&ifjHkk"kk] ?kVd ,oa pj.k] egRo] laçs"k.k dkS’ky ifjHkk"kk rÙo] çdkj] laçs"k.k dks çHkkfor djus okys dkjd] ck/kk,¡ ¼fpfdRlh; xfrjks/k½A |
5 |
V |
Mental Disorders and Nursing Interventions: Pathophysiology of human behavior - Etiological theories (genetics, biochemical, psychological etc) - Classification of mental disorders. Disorders of thought , motor activity, perception, mood, speech, memory, concentration, Judgment Prevalence, etiology, signs and symptoms, prognosis, medical and Nursing management - Personality & types of personality related to psychiatric disorder - Organic mental disorders Delirium, Dementia
Psychotic Disorders : - Schizophrenic disorders - Mood (affective) disorders; Mania depression, Bipolar affective disorders(BPAD)
Neurotic Disorders: Phobia, anxiety disorders, obsessive compulsive disorders, depressive neurosis, conversion disorders, dissociative reaction, psychosomatic disorders, post traumatic stress disorder
Substance use and De-addiction: alcohol, tobacco and other psychoactive substance Child and adolescent psychiatric disorder, Sleep disorder, Eating disorders, Sexual disorders
Nursing Management: Nursing process and process recording in caring for patients with various psychiatric disorders |
ekufld fodkjksa ,oa ufl±x gLr{ksi& - ekuo O;ogkj ds fo—r 'kjhj fØ;k - gsrqdh; fl)kar ¼vuqokaf’kdh] tSo jklk;fud] euksoSKkfud vkfnA - ekufld fodkjksa ds oxhZdj.kA fopkj ds fodkj] çsjd xfrfof/k] vocks/ku] euksn’kk] okd~] Le`fr] ,dkxzrk] fu.kZ;] O;kidrk] gsrqfoKku] ladsr ,oa y{k.k] jksx] fpfdRlk rFkk ufl±x çcU/ku - euksfpfdRld fodkj ds O;fDrRo ,oa O;fDrRo ls lEcfU/kr çdkj - dkcZfud ekufld fodkj] lfUuikr] euksHkaz’kA
ekufld fodkj& - lkbtksÝsfud fodkj - euksn’kk ¼HkkokRed½( mUekn volkn] f}/kqzoh; HkkokRed fodkj ¼chih,Mh½A
raf=dk laca/kh fodkj& Qksfc;k ¼Mj½] fpark fodkj] fopkj fØ;kc)rk fodkj] volknxrLrrk raf=dk] :ikarj.k fodkj] euksfoPNsn çfrfØ;k] euksnSfgd fodkj] vfHk?kkrt ds ckn dk ruko fodkjA
eknd æO;ksa ds lsou ,oa u’kk eqfDr& 'kjkc] rEckdw rFkk vU; euksoSKkfud inkFkZ cky ,oa fd’kksj euksjksx lEcU/kh fodkj] fuæk fodkj] Hkkstu fodkj] ;kSu fodkjA
ufl±x çcU/ku& fofHkUu ekufld fodkjksa ds lkFk jksfx;ksa dh ns[kHkky ds fy, ufl±x çfØ;k ,oa fjdkWfM±x çfØ;kA |
25 |
VI |
Bio – Psycho Social Therapies: Psychopharmacology – Definition, classification of drugs antipsychotic, Antidepressant, antimanic, antianxiety agents, anti parkinsons
Psychosocial Therapies: individual therapies, group therapy, behavior therapy, occupational therapy, family therapy, melieu therapy Role of nurse in these therapies.
Somatic Therapy: Electro Convulsive Therapy, insulin therapy, Role of nurse in these therapies. |
tSo&eukslkekftd mipkj& euksHks"ktxq.k foKku ifjHkk"kk] euksfof{kfIr jksx vkS"kf/k dk oxhZdj.k] volknjks/kh] mUeknjks/kh] fpark jks/kh dkjd çfrjks/kh ikfdZUlu jksx
eukslkekftd mipkj& O;fDrxr mipkj] lewg fpfdRlk O;ogkj fpfdRlk] O;kolkf;d fpfdRlk] ifjokj fpfdRlk] ifjos’k fpfdRlkA bu mipkjksa esa ulZ dh HkwfedkA
nSfgd fpfdRlk& fo|qr vk{ksih fpfdRlk] balqfyu fpfdRlkA bu mipkjksa esa ulZ dh HkwfedkA |
12 |
Community Mental Health: - Concept, importance, scope - Attitudes , Stigma and discrimination related to the mentally ill - Prevention of mental illness (Preventive Psychiatry) during childhood, Adolescent, adult hood and old age. - Community Mental Health Services. - Role of Nurse in national mental health programme and Psychiatric carein Community |
lkeqnkf;d ekufld LokLF;& - vo/kkj.kk] egRo] dk;Z{ks= - euksn`f"V] dyad ,oa HksnHkko ls lEcfU/kr ekufld :i ls chekj - cpiu] fd’kkjksoLFkk] o;Ldrk rFkk cq<+kis ds nkSjku ekufld chekjh ¼fuokjd euksjksx½ dk fuokj.kA - lkeqnkf;d ekufld LokLF; lsok,¡A - jk"Vªh; ekufld LokLF; dk;ZØe rFkk euksjksx ns[kHkky leqnk; esa ulZ dh HkwfedkA |
5 |
Psychiatric Emergencies and Crisis Intervention Types of Psychiatric Emergencies: Over Active, under active patient, Violent behaviour, Suicide, adverse drug reactions, withdrawal symptoms, Acute psychosis etc
Crisis and its intervention: AIDS, Adolescent Crisis |
vkikrdkyhu euksfpfdRlk ,oa ladV fuokj.k euksjksx vkikr fLFkfr ds çdkj&vfr lfØ;] lfØ; jksxh ds v/khu] fgald O;ogkj] vkRegR;k] çfrdwy vkS"kf/k çfrfØ;k,¡] çR;kgkj y{k.k] rhoz euksfo—fr vkfnA
ladV ,oa mldk gLr{ksi&,M~l] fd’kksjkoLFkk ladVA |
5 |
IX |
Forensic Psychiatry / Legal Aspects: India Lunatic Act 1912 Narcotic Drugs and psychotropic Act 1965, 1985 Mental Health Act 1987, 2014
Admission and discharge procedures Standards of psychiatric nursing practice. Rights of Mentally ill patients Legal responsibilities in the care of mentally ill patients. |
U;k; laca/kh euksfodkj foKku@dkuwuh n`f"Vdks.k Hkkjr Y;wukfVd@ikxy vf/kfu;e 1912 fuæktud vkS"kf/k rFkk euksfpfdRlk vf/kfu;e 1965] 1985 ekufld LokLF; vf/kfu;e 1987] 2014
ços’k ,oa fuoZgu çfØ;k,¡ euksjksx ufl±x vH;kl ds ekud ekufld :i ls chekj jksfx;ksa ds vf/kdkj ekufld :i ls chekj jksfx;ksa dh ns[kHkky esa dkuwuh mÙkjnkf;RoA |
5 |